I am so grateful me and my sisters Eva and Amy have been blessed with all the work we have had in the past few weeks, it seems hectic and overwhelming but we have been able to get bills paid, work on our basement, and buy all of our Christmas. I am so grateful to be able to make money doing what I love and being able to use the Talents that the Lord has blessed me with. I am so Grateful that he is mindful of our needs and we are always taken care of.
The Giles Family Christmas Party
These pictures are all from our annual Giles family Christmas party. My Grandma Giles (my Mother's Mom) use to have this party at her house every year but it grew too much so we usually have it at Pioneer Hall or a Church building.
My Grandma Giles INSISTS on giving EVERY one of her children, Grandchildren and Great Granchildren (in laws included) NICE Christmas gifts!! She spends every extra dime she makes on Christmas (& Birthday Presents) for her family. Every time anyone tries to tell her not too because she is breaking her bank she gets defensive and tells us that giving gifts is One of the things that brings her the most joy!! She loves to give. She finds joy in making EVERYone feel so loved and cared for! She is such a selfless person!
Looks like you had a good time! Glad to hear you are keeping busy. Don't go to fast. Slow down and enjoy the season
Wow, I can't believ how big our family is! Good job on the pics.
You guys are soooo cute !! And that is a HUGE family !!
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