I have been so sick. Along with the rest of the house hold. I was telling my sister a month ago that we hardly ever get sick at my house. In fact I couldn't remember the last time anyone in my family had gotten ill. So shortly after I said that Savannah came home from school with the stomach flu, then one kid after another got it. Koleen Eva and I got it on the same day which happened to be one of the weeks Then little Zac got the croup, for several weeks he has been ill with one illness after another. When he had the Flu we had to go to the hospital and get him on an I.V. for fluids because he was so dehydrated.
Now everyone here has a horrible cough and sinus cold that doesn't want to go away. We have all had fevers with body aches along with coughing up our lungs. Hopefully we will all feel better soon!!
Can't wait for Spring.....I am SO done with winter!!
Shoot! I am sorry you guys are sick. It sounds like you guys have the exact thing we had at our house. It lasted two weeks and still we have coughing attacks. Hope you all get better soon :-)
So sorry to hear all this. Knock on wood, but we have been pretty healthy since December. Hope you are all feeling better soon.
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